In this article we will teach you how to increase seo on wordpress.
SEO is an important part of your website because it increases the organic traffic on your website. You can generate the organic traffic on your website from popular search engines like Google, Youtube, Amazon, Bing, Baidu, Yandex, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo etc. You can also generate the organic traffic on your website from Social Media Platforms like Facebook.
To get the organic traffic first you need to optimize your website and to do this here below is the some simple steps.
Step 1 – Write Quality Content to increase seo on wordpress
You need to write content for your posts or pages that should have some meaning and useful, knowledgeable or problem solving for your website readers. And your content should be between 500 to 1000 words.
Step 2 – Use Basics of HTML to increase seo on wordpress
You can also use some basics of HTML in your posts:
- Use at least one image with proper alt and title attributes.
- Add headings like h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 in order like h1 then h2 then h3 then h4 then h5 then h6.
- Create tables with proper thead – table heading, th – heading cells, tr – row, td – cells in your posts
- Add listings like ol – ordered list, ul – unordered or bullets list
- Write Paragraphs in your posts
- Add blockquote in your posts
- Show divider like hr or div in your posts
- Use icons in your posts
- Use Proper anchor or links in your posts
Step 3 : Select Focus keyword to improve seo on wordpress
You should select your focus keyword and use this focus keyword in your Post or Page title, in URL or slug, in tags of your posts, in meta tags like keywords, description, in your images alt attributes, in your link’s title.
Step 4 : Use external links
You can use external links like social media links or any other resource links which belongs to title of your posts.
Step 5 : Use internal links
You can also use internal links like your other posts link which you have posted on your same blog or website.
Step 6 : Submit your website to search engines to optimize seo on wordpress
You have to submit your website to popular search engines like Google, Bing, Baidu, Yandex, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo. And also submit your sitemaps url to these search engines, you can use Google XML Sitemaps to create sitemap of your website.
Step 7 : Create Backlinks of your website
To create backlinks you can add your website’s links in comments, or descriptions on popular websites like Youtube, Medium, Quora etc and also can use Backlink generator.
Step 8 : Use some popular wordpress plugins
You can use WordPress Popular Plugins like Yoast SEO, All in One SEO Pack
Step 8 : Remove Broken links from your website
You can use Broken link checker wordpress plugin to remove broken links from your website
Step 9 : Optimize Speed of your website
To make your website SEO ready you have to optimize speed of your website. So lets check your website speed and optimize.
And here are some tutorials which you can use
Remove javascript or scripts in wordpress?,
How to make fewer http requests in wordpress?,
Optimize wordpress for mobile?,
Remove css or styles in wordpress?,
Create breadcrumb in wordpress without plugin?.
Step 10 : Analyze your website traffic
Add google analytics to your website and check, analyze your website report in search console and google analytics. And fix some errors if it is showing.
TThat's all there is to it! Now you have mastered the art of boosting SEO on WordPress.
And if you want more tutorials and tricks about WordPress then visit our WordPress Blog.