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    AdminOct 12, 2023 8:55:34 AM< 1 min read

    SEO Recommendations Crawling and Indexing: Make sure search engines can process your page links

    To resolve the issue flagged by Google and Hubspot SEO tools, you need to ensure that all the links on your webpage are using proper <a> tags with an href attribute.

    Possible Issues & Solutions:

    JavaScript-Generated Links: If you are using JavaScript to create links dynamically, consider replacing them with proper <a> tags, or make sure to include href attributes dynamically.

    // Instead of
    document.getElementById("link").innerHTML = "Link";
    // Use
    document.getElementById("link").innerHTML = "Link"; 

    Buttons as Links: If you're using <button> or <span> elements as clickable items that navigate to other pages, replace them with <a> tags.

    // Instead of
    document.getElementById("link").innerHTML = "<span onclick='goToPage()'>Link</span>";

    // Use
    document.getElementById("link").innerHTML = "<a href='/some-page'>Link</a>";


    Missing href Attributes: Ensure all <a> tags have a valid href attribute.

    <!-- Incorrect -->
    <a id="hubspot" data-hs-anchor="true">Link</a>

    <!-- Correct -->
    <a href="/some-page" id="hubspot" data-hs-anchor="true">Link</a>


    Hash Links: If you're using anchor tags for on-page navigation, still include the href attribute with a hash (#).

    <!-- Instead of -->
    <a id="section-link" data-hs-anchor="true">Section</a>

    <!-- Use -->
    <a href="#section" id="section-link" data-hs-anchor="true">Section</a>


    Complex Data Attributes: If you are using data attributes like data-hs-anchor="true", it's okay to keep them as long as you also include an href.

    <!-- Correct -->
    <a href="/some-page" id="hubspot" data-hs-anchor="true">Link</a>

    By following these guidelines, you should be able to resolve the issues highlighted by the SEO tools.